Generalized eigenvector

In linear algebra, for a matrix A, there may not always exist a full set of linearly independent eigenvectors that form a complete basis – a matrix may not be diagonalizable. This happens when the algebraic multiplicity of at least one eigenvalue λ is greater than its geometric multiplicity (the nullity of the matrix (A-\lambda I), or the dimension of its nullspace). In such cases, a generalized eigenvector of A is a nonzero vector v, which is associated with λ having algebraic multiplicity k ≥1, satisfying

(A-\lambda I)^k\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{0}.

The set of all generalized eigenvectors for a given λ form the generalized eigenspace for λ.

Ordinary eigenvectors and eigenspaces are obtained for k=1.


For defective matrices

Generalized eigenvectors are needed to form a complete basis of a defective matrix, which is a matrix in which there are fewer linearly independent eigenvectors than eigenvalues (counting multiplicity). Over an algebraically closed field, the generalized eigenvectors do allow choosing a complete basis, as follows from the Jordan form of a matrix.

In particular, suppose that an eigenvalue λ of a matrix A has an algebraic multiplicity m but fewer corresponding eigenvectors. We form a sequence of m eigenvectors and generalized eigenvectors x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m that are linearly independent and satisfy

(A - \lambda I) x_k = \alpha_{k,1}x_1%2B\cdots%2B\alpha_{k,k-1}x_{k-1}

for some coefficients \alpha_{k,1},\ldots,\alpha_{k,k-1}, for k=1,\ldots,m. It follows that

(A - \lambda I)^k x_k = 0. \!

The vectors x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m can always be chosen, but are not uniquely determined by the above relations. If the geometric multiplicity (dimension of the eigenspace) of λ is p, one can choose the first p vectors to be eigenvectors, but the remaining mp vectors are only generalized eigenvectors.



 A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1\\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}

Then there is one eigenvalue λ=1 with an algebraic multiplicity m of 2.

There are several ways to see that there will be one generalized eigenvector necessary. Easiest is to notice that this matrix is in Jordan normal form, but is not diagonal, meaning that this is not a diagonalizable matrix. Since there is 1 superdiagonal entry, there will be one generalized eigenvector (or you could note that the vector space is of dimension 2, so there can be only one generalized eigenvector). Alternatively, you could compute the dimension of the nullspace of  A-I to be p=1, and thus there are m-p=1 generalized eigenvectors.

Computing the ordinary eigenvector  v_1=\begin{bmatrix}1 \\0 \end{bmatrix} is left to the reader (see the eigenvector page for examples). Using this eigenvector, we compute the generalized eigenvector  v_2 by solving

 (A-\lambda I)v_2 = v_1

Writing out the values:

 \left(\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1\\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}- \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\right)\begin{bmatrix}v_{21} \\v_{22} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}1 \\0 \end{bmatrix}

This simplifies to

 \begin{matrix} v_{21}%2Bv_{22}-v_{21} = 1 \\ v_{22}- v_{22} = 0 \end{matrix}

This simplifies to

 v_{22}= 1

And v_{21} has no restrictions and thus can be any scalar. So the generalized eigenvector is  v_2=\begin{bmatrix}* \\1 \end{bmatrix}, where the * indicates any value is fine. Usually picking 0 is easiest.

Other meanings of the term

 Av = \lambda B v.

See also


Axler, Sheldon (1997). Linear Algebra Done Right (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN 978-0387982588.